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Friday, January 8, 2016

Homeless Veterans

As we all go about our daily lives with little to now worries, there are thousands of our nations veterans that don’t even have a place to call home.  For many Americans, this may not seem like a problem that needs solving.  However for those who have served, or are close to those who have served, this is a huge problem.  As young men and women they answer our nations call to service and selflessly serve our nations in land all over the world.  While answering our nation calls for defense, we put our lives on hold to travel to distant lands where we face unimaginable odds.  While most of us make it home, some do not.  In America today, none of this seems to bother most Americans.  I have answered our nation call twice now, and now have a greater respect for life and a stronger desire to help others.  However, when we return home we face even more struggles, as if the war never ends for us.  We fight to live a normal life, but life after the military is not easy and money does not grow on trees.  According to (NCHV, 2015), “The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) estimates that 47,725 veterans are homeless on any given night.”  If that estimate does not keep you awake at night trying to mastermind a plan to end this, then there is something wrong with the way you think.  I personally don’t feel that there should be anyone sleeping on the streets on any given night, but definitely not our nations defenders.  Since leaving the Army back in 2009, I have tried to find a solution.  I have been homeless myself since my release from the Army, so I understand this struggle more than most.  As I move forward with my life, I am working on starting a record label, Battle Mind Records, from which I will use the profits to help put an end to homelessness among veterans.  I will use my label to help raise awareness for the issues veterans face everyday and use the profits to help find solutions.  This is my life’s work, to serve those who have served.  We must work together as a nation to find a solution, who will join me in this fight?

NCHV (2015).  FAQ ABOUT HOMELESS VETERANS.  National Coalition for Homeless Veterans.  Retrieved on January 8, 2016 from