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Thursday, June 2, 2016

Saving Lives Through Music

Most people enjoy music in their everyday lives, but most do not understand the true power of music.  The mission of Battle Mind Records is to save lives through the use of music.  This is not a new concept by any means.  Many have been using music as a form of therapy for many years now.  Music therapy can be a very useful and powerful tool for many situations.  Sometimes the words of a song can be even more powerful than the music itself. 

Within the veteran community, we are always searching for more ways to help fight PTSD and its effects on our daily lives.  One of the most powerful tools for combating PTSD is telling your story.  I feel that writing lyrics to tell your story can be even more helpful.  Not only will it help you clear your mind, it can help other veterans to understand and realize that they are not alone in what they have experienced and feel today.  The record label Redcon-1 Music Group is a great example of this.  They have made it their mission to make music for the warfighter community.  In their music they tell their stories and spread important messages for warfighters everywhere.  For example, the Redcon-1 song, “Red Flags” confront the issue of suicide among veterans.

Battle Mind Records, Inc. intends to provide therapy for warfighters through our lyrics, messages, and signing other warfighters to tell their stories.  BMR wants the stories of war and military life to be told from every angle possible: from the military, veterans, and their families.  We want to be able to paint the entire picture for those who know nothing about it.  We also want to take things a little further in saving the lives of veterans.  Battle Mind Records will be run and operated primarily by veterans.  We will employ other veterans to help us build the label and our cause of helping veterans.  Will also plan to go one step further and use 25% of all Battle Mind Records profits to help house homeless veterans.  Together we can build something great.  Let’s keep fighting for each other just as we did oversees.