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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Autonomous Robotic Weapons

I chose to watch a video from called, “The kill decision shouldn't belong to a robot,” by Daniel Suarez.  I chose this video because I found the title to be very interesting, as I have spent over 7 years in the U.S. Army.  Daniel Suarez is speaking on the use of autonomous robotic weapon systems.  These are systems that function without being controlled by humans.  His main point is that we should not allow autonomous robots to be able to make the decision to kill without a human.  I feel that the goal of his speech is to both educate and persuade people to agree with his position on this matter.  He is talking about something that most people, outside the military, know absolutely nothing about.  He talks about how the use of these weapons could change the entire social landscape.  Before we begin to employ weapon systems such as these, we must first understand how they could impact the world around us and how we, as humans, make decisions and work with each other to attempt to gain world peace.  The effects that could be brought on by these weapon systems could be completely catastrophic.  In the video (Daniel Suarez, 2013) states, “The way humans resolve conflict shapes our social landscape.”  He speaks on both the pros and cons of autonomous robotic weapons.  He also goes into more depth on the possible cons of these weapons systems.  There may be many great uses for un-armed weapons, but not to the point that they can completely make their own decisions.  I feel that the way he approached this particular topic, shows that he has a great deal of knowledge of these weapons systems and the true power that they can harness.  I also feel that by educating the audience on this topic it will help to persuade others to agree with his position. 

Suarez, Daniel (June 2013). Daniel Suarez: The kill decision shouldn't belong to a robot.  Retrieved on November 29, 2015 from

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Music & Expressive Writing Therapy For Veterans

For those of you who do not know or truly understand what Battle Mind Records is about, it all boils down to helping veterans through music.  I plan to use music and writing as a form of therapy for veterans that suffer from PTSD, along with generating a revenue source that will be used to help house homeless veterans.  Music therapy is proving to be a very positive form of therapy for many combat veterans.  The therapy can include listening to music, playing musical instruments, or even writing song lyrics.  I truly understand the help of all three of these elements.  I have always used listening to music as an escape from the stress of life, more so when I was deployed in Iraq.  Music has helped me to push forward under odds unimaginable.  I have also been writing song lyrics and poetry for most of my life.  I never truly understood how helpful it was until I was deployed.  It always helps to get things off of your chest, whether through talking or writing.  For those like me who have trouble confiding in others, writing is a great alternative.  According to Arts & Healing, “Expressive Writing (EW) is a brief intervention that instructs individuals to write about their deepest thoughts and feelings about a stressful event without regard to the structure of the writing.”  I no longer play any musical instruments, but I started recording songs during my second deployment.  I realized very quickly that while I was writing and recording, the terrible world around me would disappear.  Many psychological studies have been conducted on music therapy.  The results show that it can be very helpful for those who have survived traumatic events.  According to WQXR, “Studies show that music can trigger the brain to release chemicals that distract the body from pain.” 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Veterans Helping Other Veterans

For everyone that does not know my true reason for being here in the music industry, I am here to provide healing through music and raise money and awareness for the issues that U.S. Military Veterans face everyday.  We may have left the war, but I have learned through personal experiences that the war never leaves us.  The veterans have many problems that need solving.  The two most important issues facing today’s veterans are suicide and homelessness.  In my opinion these are two issues that should never have a chance to exist in the United States of America.  After a little research I was able to find some information on the statistics for suicides and homelessness among the veteran population.  According to the Veterans Support Organization,  “These days, a lot of factors are contributing to their instability: high unemployment, poor housing market, and untreated conditions related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health conditions.”  As a combat veteran myself I have faced everyone one of these hurdles and still struggle with them today.  These can be very over whelming hurdles for many veterans.  Due to these conditions, I have also faced homelessness and spent many years with a mind full of suicidal thoughts.  The VSO goes further to report that in 2012 over 100 veterans are committing suicide every single week.  That comes out to about 17 veterans suicides every day which has actually gone up to around 23 a day in 2014 and 2015.  These are horrific statistics that I am constantly tracking.  Many ask why I would trouble myself with these numbers.  Well, I could have been one of these numbers.  Over the past 12 years, I have contemplated suicide almost every single day. The VSO also shows that around 200, 000 veterans are homeless on any given night.  I have also been homeless with a family, so the two main areas are very close to my heart.  I want to be able to change these numbers and create solutions for these problems.  I am very happy when I am able to find other people who feel as deeply as I do about these two topics.  SoldierHard another Army combat veteran and rapper, has also made it his life’s mission to help other veterans heal and live better lives through music.  He has helped to create a new genre of music known as “Military Rap.”  He is the founder and owner of Redcon-1 Music Group and hopes to bring healing to struggling veterans.  He has made many songs about the horrific issues that plague the veteran community today.  I am actually a huge fan of his music and would love to work with him one day.  It’s not all about raising money to help those veterans in need.  We must also spread our message as veterans, to those who may never understand, to raise awareness for our fellow veterans.  The nation will not find the answers by blindly donating money, but by learning about us, and the issues we face.  

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Update on Battle Mind Records

Life has thrown many obstacles is my path over the past few years, but I have not let this defeat me.  Battle Mind Records is still in the works along with my third album that will be titled "Mind Gone."  I graduated from Full Sail University's Music Business Bachelor of Science program on August 7, 2015 and began their Entertainment Business Masters of Science program on August 31, 2015.  I have a few new songs written and am currently working on making beats for my next album.  I plan to release a single within the next six months and my new album will follow shortly after.  At this time I do not plan to release a physical copy of this upcoming album.  I plan to sell through digital downloads only.  I will be utilizing the services of HostBaby and CdBaby to release this album.  Through HostBaby I will build and publish the official Battle Mind Records website.  For everyone who has supported me and been patiently waiting for me to shine from day one, Thank You.  I will soon be entering the insane world of music and with your continued support I can and will make it.  I make music for the love of music, but I want to monetize my music so that I can help other Veterans and their families.  This is not to make my pockets fat.  That is the least of my worries.